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2019 Personal Training

Editors’ Choice

Life in Motion Fitness

Topsfield, 978-766-0485,

Philosophy: To show everyone that you can get a great workout in no matter what age you are, what your fitness level might be, or if you currently have or had injuries in the past! Life in Motion caters to all clients as individuals to make sure they are doing what is right for them, even within group fitness classes. They love seeing people improve their health and wellness and believe that fitness is a whole package, not just what the scale says or what size clothes you wear!

Standout: The amount of care and passion their instructors bring to each class and session. Clients should leave the gym each day feeling better than when they came in!

What’s New: More classes, upcoming health and wellness seminars, and an online training program to reach people who may not have a schedule that allows them to get to a gym but still could use some help reaching their fitness goals!


Readers’ Choice

DiHard Fitness

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