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Celtic Music Sunset Sail

Title: Celtic Music Sunset SailLocation: Rogers St. & Hancock St. at Gloucester HarborLink out: Click hereDescription: Join Michael O'Leary &...

School of Rock

Think learning to play an instrument is mere child's play? Think again. By Bryan McGonigleJennifer and Steve Spungin of Salem School of MusicWhere a ...

NECN’s Jenny Johnson

Photo: Sadie DaytonMarblehead native Jenny Johnson basks in the glow of  local TV stardom.Jenny Johnson looks like a movie star and talks...

Burlington, Vermont

With adventures, restaurants, and nightlife galore, Burlington, Vermont is the ultimate late-summer retreat.Stand on a sidewalk in downtown Burlingto...

Paula Cole

On stage, in front of thousands is where she shines. But for singer and Rockport native Paula Cole the lure of home and the sound of the ocean prove ...

Mint Boutique

High-end fashions get a price check at Beverly's Mint.The Cabot Street neighborhood in Beverly recently welcomed a new neighbor: Mint Boutique, a uni...

Kayaking on the North Shore

As the summer wanes and the crowds retreat from our coastline, now is the best time to jump into a kayak for a day to tour the remote inlets and rock...


Finnish running shoe maker Karhu turns to the proving grounds of the North Shore for some old-fashioned R&D. By Alexandra Pecci.Karhu's world hea...

The Lyceum in Salem

George Harrington knows a thing or two about running famous eateries. For 10 years, he was man of the house at Marblehead's fabled Rosalie's Restaura...

Northshore Magazine

For more than 15 years, Northshore magazine’s experienced editors, creatives, writers, and photographers have captured the region with its award-winning prose and design. The magazine offers sophisticated service journalism coupled with stunning photography.