Title Boxing Club
Intimidated by boxing? Don’t be at Title Boxing Club in North Andover, where members can burn up to 1,000 calories in a single “power hour” without getting punched. “Here it’s about the fitness not the fight,” says Stephanie DiCindio, trainer and sales representative. Whereas some boxing clubs allow sparring, the only thing getting punched at Title Boxing are the 100-pound punching bags. “You’re never going to hit another person…you can get all the aggression and daily stress out by hitting the bag, but you’re never going to get hit back,” DiCindio says. “For your muscles it is an absolutely phenomenal workout.” There’s also a North Shore location in Danvers.
137 Turnpike St., North Andover, 978-620-0255, northandover-turnpike.titleboxingclub.com