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Nurturing a love of the wonders of nature for the young and curious is the goal of Greenbelt’s upcoming 2019 Family Nature Series. Partnering with North Shore Nature Programs and veteran environmental educator Andrew Prazar, Greenbelt, Essex County’s Land Trust, offers a series of naturalist-led family programs in 2019.

The programs are free, but registration is required at

“I love working with children and witnessing the excitement they experience,” said Prazar. “They have a sense of curiosity that I think people tend to lose as they get older.”

Running from mid-winter to mid-summer, the programs have a seasonal focus and allow for kids, parents and grandparents to learn and explore the unique flora and fauna of each program’s site.

The series starts on February 9 at Indian Hill Conservation Area in West Newbury, where families will look for tracks to learn about the animals moving around in the winter and where they live.

It continues on April 6 at the Farnsworth Reservation in North Andover, with a visit to vernal pools to scoop up pond water in search of wiggly salamanders and frog egg masses.

On May 18, Greenbelt celebrates honey bees, butterflies, and other pollinators important to our flowers and food supply at their annual Family Pollinator Day at the Cox Reservation in Essex. With kid-friendly activities, attendees will learn about the many fruits, vegetables, and nuts that they help bring us, including chocolate and coffee.

A yummy, late spring walk features wild edibles at the Cox Reservation in Essex on June 15, and will help identify what and what not to eat.  Families will learn about nuts from local trees, and search for appetizing treats such as Juneberries, Lamb’s Quarters, and Pineapple Weed flowers.

The series concludes on August 3 with a discovery of the insects, fish, horseshoe crabs, and marshland birds that inhabit the salt marsh at Rough Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary in Rowley.

“My hope is that children will participate, become inspired, excited, and/or moved by nature to the point where learning and experiencing nature becomes a part of their lives and shapes the way they think about the world,” said Prazar.

Family Nature Series at a Glance:

Feb 9      Animal Tracks                     Indian Hill Conservation Area, West Newbury
April 6     Vernal Pools                       Farnsworth Reservation, North Andover
May 18    Birds, Bees, Butterflies     Cox Reservation, Essex
June 15   Wild Edibles for Kids         Cox Reservation, Essex
Aug 3      Discover the Salt Marsh    Rough Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary, Rowley

Learn more and sign up at