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Known for its presence on the local fitness scene, Amesbury-based Motivate Movement has recently launched a new initiative, Motivate Ladies Who Walk, a group that welcomes all women who are interested in walking with a group. Created by Motivate owner Meghan Kinsey and Ladies Who Walk ambassador Tina Santoro-Smith, the program is for both new and seasoned exercisers looking to better themselves and their health through walking.

Since its inception this spring, the program has struck a welcome chord with local walkers, who are enjoying the many benefits of exercising with a crowd, including accountability and fun.

As a brand, Motivate is no stranger to cultivating fitness programs where clients thrive; they introduced popular bounce classes into their lineup earlier this year.

Women who are interested in walking can participate in weekly walks in Amesbury on Sundays at 9 a.m., or night walks at Cashman Park in Newburyport on the third Thursday of each month at 6 p.m., where the river’s scenic views serve as a beautiful backdrop. There is no cost associated with these walks; the aim is to nurture social interaction and welcome all walkers. Walks take about an hour, and walkers can walk at their own pace.

For Santoro-Smith, Ladies Who Walk has deep value. She received a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in 2017, which thrust her into a new world where even daily tasks that many people don’t think twice about, including walking, were suddenly huge mountains for her to climb. Since the group’s launch, Kinsey says many new connections have been created.

“While giving our neighbors a way to get out and move their bodies might have been the primary reason we wanted to bring Motivate Ladies Who Walk to the community, hearing the joyful exclamations that they ‘met someone new’ might be the best reason,” says Kinsey.

Thanks to Ladies Who Walk, trying something new has never been easier and the group looks forward to continued walks this summer and into the fall. “I think we nailed it,” Kinsey says.

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