Editors’ Choice
Maudslay State Park
PHOTOGRAPH by brad Mintz
Once a sprawling family estate, Maudslay State Park now comprises hundreds of acres of woods, trails, 19th-century gardens, and more natural beauty overlooking the Merrimack River. But it’s not only the spot’s natural and historical charm that recommends it to day-trippers. It’s also home to a lively variety of arts programming, such as Theater in the Open and the Maudslay Summer Concert Series.
74 Curzon Mill Rd., Newburyport, 978-465-7223, maudslayassociation.org
Readers’ Choice
Salem Willows Park
Salem Willows Park combines the seaside beauty of Salem Harbor views with the throwback fun of arcades, vintage rides, and beloved food.
167 Fort Ave., Salem, 978-745-0251, salemwillowspark.com