Specializing in buying and revamping multi-family and affordable houses, NSPG is slowly transforming neighborhoods with a community-first ethos.
On May 9, 2022, a massive fire tore through five buildings on Hancock Street in Salem. While no one was injured, the buildings remained badly damaged — so North Shore Property Group (NSPG) stepped in. They rebuilt nine units in total on the street, selling one three-unit house to a veteran and renting out the other six units, adding both value and much needed housing stock back to the neighborhood.
“This was one of our biggest and most successful projects to date,” says Mike Buonfiglio, CEO of NSPG. The project represented the type of work NSPG specializes in: community-focused development in the multi-family space.
NSPG buys and revamps land, residential property, and commercial property on the North Shore, aiming to add value to communities as a whole and produce more residential housing in this high-demand market with a lack of inventory. “There’s a huge need for companies like us to produce as much housing as possible while keeping costs low,” says Buonfiglio.

High quality, affordable costs
It’s their in-house construction team that helps NSPG keep costs low, turning homes that are in tough shape into houses families will be proud to live in. “We like to focus on more run-down homes to fix up and turn the neighborhood around,” says Buonfiglio. While they specialize in the multi-family space, they’ll buy single family homes, too, especially properties with needed repairs or other problems that the owners are having a hard time keeping up with. And the team has over fifteen years of experience in buying and developing real estate to boot.
“We want [owners] to feel relieved when they come to us because we can make it all go away,” says Buonfiglio. “We not only take their property of problems, but we fix it and return it to a family that will make it their new home.”
One such project on the Salem waterfront is slated to be one of NSPG’s “best turnarounds yet,” says Buonfiglio. They’re turning two properties into six newly renovated condo units — the previous owners of which didn’t have the resources to take on the needed seawall repair. Buonfiglio is especially excited about this project because they’re improving the value of the neighborhood as a whole, too, fixing the seawall and also rebuilding a deteriorating pier.
“Mike was the answer to my problems,” said Mary Anne, one of the Salem owners who sold her complicated property to NSPG, in a testimonial. “I really feel that he’s been above and beyond.”

Community before profit
NSPG has completed projects all over the North Shore, in towns like Danvers, Peabody, and Salem, with many more underway. They’re currently revamping Shady Oak Mobile Park on Route 1A in Danvers with fourteen newly built, modern homes, the first five of which will hit the market in December, offering “quality living at a fraction of the usual cost,” says Buonfiglio.
With a focus on creating multi-unit houses and affordable housing, the NSPG team isn’t just in for profit, says Buonfiglio. A team of North Shore residents, they look more at the communities as a whole than about turning a big profit. “We care more about who we’re buying from, their specific needs and wants, and how we can turn the community around,” he says.
Looking into selling your home, but worried about the kind of work it needs? It might be exactly the kind of property that NSPG pays top dollar for, off market, to turn into new housing stock for the North Shore.
“Our approach to real estate is not just about buying and selling properties,” says Buonfiglio, “it’s about investing in the community and building relationships.”
For more information, visit nspropertygroupllc.com.