North Shore resident and writer Alena Dillon releases her debut novel next week, on February 11. Mercy House, set in 21st century Brooklyn, follows S...
HGTV is currently casting North Shore homes for a new renovation show called Farmhouse Fixer. In the show, renovation expert Jonathan Knight and loca...
RMS Media Group, publishers of Northshore and Northshore Home magazines, announces Chris McIntosh has joined the team as publisher. He will be respon...
Attention artists: painters, sculptors, potters, photographers, jewelry makers, and more are invited to submit their work for consideration for Green...
Hyundai has released their Super Bowl LIV commercial, airing this Sunday evening. The ad stars David Ortiz along with Boston-area native celebrities ...
Join the Museum of Printing in Haverhill as they celebrate Hot Metal Day on Saturday, February 1. Activities from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. celebrate the Lin...