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Haunted Places on the North Shore

"When I was young, ghost stories were as essential to my group of neighborhood friends as the bikes we used to investigate them. I knew the "Gates of...

Appleton Farms Dinner and Lecture

The Trustees of Reservations is meeting the growing demand for locally sourced, grass-fed beef by expanding their White Park beef herd at Appleton Fa...

John Sloan's 'Gloucester Days' Exhibit

For five successive summers, artist John Sloan had a fruitful romance with Gloucester. From 1914 through 1918, he painted in the port city, drawing i...

Movers & Shakers: Artist Kate Luchini

  As a teenager, Kate Luchini gave new meaning to life as an active high school student. Art fed her soul, and she feasted wherever she could...
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Rich Rubino Talks Politics

It’s no surprise that a young Rich Rubino would become so immersed in the history of politics. After all, the author and Marblehead native hail...