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Back on Track

Joe DeMarco takes it to the topÂ…again.There aren't too many sports in which athletes can take off for 10 years, come back, and still be ...
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Anne Segal

The legal system today may not offer all that much to sing about. And yet, Marblehead's Anne Segal is able to find reason to sing. In fact, she has b...
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Warren Sadow

"I help develop things that are simple and elegant in the way they look and the way they work," explains Warren Sadow, founder and director of Sadow ...
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Feeding the Need

Local chef does her part to fight MSOn April 1, over 300 walkers from around the North Shore and as far away as Wales, MA, and Manchester, NH, came t...
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Great Women To Know and Their Shadows

Susan WilsonGWTK Visionary | Sr. Financial Advisor and Vice PresidentSusan's residency: AndoverAs a mother involved with her daughters' educations se...
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Hollywood's Keisha Nash Whitaker

Model Mom/ Proud Girl from LynnGraduate of Lynn Classical High School Married to Oscar-winning actor Forest Whitaker; mother of three "healthy" girls...
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The New England Soccer School

Soccer is a sport, that for all the glory and appreciation it has found in virtually every country in the world, it has yet to come close to that typ...
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Growing Good Things and Good People

The Food Project Sprouts on the North ShoreWhen Evelyn, a high school sophomore from Lynn, signed up to work on a farm with the Food Project - North ...
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Think Hard

Material assets may be the way to goFor years, almost reflexively, portfolio managers have recommended that a portfolio of equities contain a five-pe...
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New England PATs

Annuities can help mitigate capital gain taxesIf you hold a do well with a piece of real estate, stock, or a family business, the good news is that y...