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Libraries of the North Shore

Libraries of the North Shore embrace the past and welcome the future.  As a society founded upon great minds that include the likes of Ge...

Sailing Heals

Sailing Heals gives cancer patients a chance to escape from the illness and reap the benefits of sun, sky, and sea.  Sailing heals is an ...

Lawrence's Imajine That

Two North Shore institutions team up to give families a place to learn, bond, and be carefree.  Under the high, vaulted ceilings of a pai...

Josh Angulo: Wind Surf Champ

With the world’s oceans as his workplace, Hawaii native and competitive windsurfer Josh Angulo puts down roots in Nahant for the next chapte...

Deborah Sloan's It's A Date!

Deborah Sloan’s It’s a Date! helps single and searching clients tackle online dating profiles gone bad.  In the past, the fli...