The Chicago-born, California-formed, and New Orleans-residing songstress, Rickie Lee Jones, and her adroit trio illuminated the Shalin Liu Performanc...
Literary Cape Ann is bringing three local memoirists to the Shalin Liu Performance Center his month to discuss the process of writing and publishing ...
Two-time Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter Rickie Lee Jones, who has been dubbed the Duchess of Coolsville and an America troubadour, will bring...
March is Women's History Month. And while we may all have heard of Rosa Parks, Marie Curie, and Eleanor Roosevelt, there are many other, lesser-celeb...
CODA, the critically acclaimed movie that was filmed in Gloucester and other North Shore towns, has been nominated for an Academy Award in the Best P...
What makes for a romantic dinner? Whether you're looking for cozy seating to inspire intimate conversation, plates to share, a roaring fire, or excit...
The North Shore has an abundance of opportunities to explore the natural world, with hundreds of miles of trails meandering through forest, field, an...
It's time to get off the couch. You’ve missed name-that-tune background music, a fancy cocktail, and food expertly prepared by someone else. Not to m...
1. Hike for Beer, Appleton Farms, Ipswich | Jan. 8Cap off a brisk evening hike with a beer or two served up by local breweries on the scenic grounds ...
More than 150 shops, restaurants, galleries, and museums throughout Essex, Gloucester, Manchester-by-the-Sea, and Rockport are decked out in holiday ...