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The Merchant in Salem

In 1789, Salem merchant Joshua Ward was granted the rare honor of a visit to his home by then-president George Washington. The home where Washington ...

Secret Restaurant in Salem

First rule of Back Alley Bacon: You do not talk about Back Alley Bacon. So it was with some concern for my own safety that I lurked by an unmarked do...


The Peabody Essex Museum (PEM) is a major sponsor and one venue that will host the ninth-annual Salem Film Fest. One of New England’s larg...

Salem's Italian Pizza Kitchen

Chef Antonio Bettencourt loves dough. He is constantly tinkering with his pasta recipe, which he’s been making by hand for more than 15 years&m...

Spice Eating Challenge in Salem

The heat is on Halloween weekend with the launch of the 1st annual “Salem’s Wicked Hot Spice Eating Challenge.” The Challenge will ...

Locally Made Rum in Salem

An evangelist is a zealot who seeks to convert other to his or her religion. Some employ aggressive tactics, while others are more subtle in their ap...