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Summer Style

  Northshore magazine recently spoke to Emily Evans, Ann Taylor style expert, about what to wear to this season. Q: How can you achieve a ...

New Shop Opens in Andover

Andover has very recently gained a new exclusive denim boutique, a premium retailer known for its private label and custom jeans around New Engla...
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Valentine's Day Contest Items

Here's a complete list of the items we're giving away for the Valentine's Day 2010 contest: Salem Sweetheart Package: This Valentine’s gift ...

Top Shops for Holiday Gifts

There’s a certain thrill in finding just the right gift, a particular satisfaction that comes from discovering the book, the art, the accessory...

Andover Boutique Shops

Andover offers a little something for everyone. This historical “home of America,” as its tag line goes, is filled with special boutiq...